Thursday, 31 March 2011

M&P COMP Denise Van Outens launch of Bumpalicious!

Me and Ethan were lucky enough to be picked along with 30 other mums bumps and babies to attend the Denise Van Outen book signing of her pregnancy book Bumpalicious. We went off to The Mamas and Papas store on Regent street to see what all the fuss was about!

When we got there we were given a discount code for M&P purchases on the day and a goody bag with a signed 'Bumpalicious' book and a retro teddy for Ethan. (Looking good so far :-)

We didn't stay long however as it was packed with paps and there was not much opportunity to meet the author herself! Which was disappointing considering that's what the day was meant to be about Hmmm....

Anyhow we met Ethan's DaDa and he surprised me with some lovely anniversary gifts (we had been married 2 years that day) we took a gentle stroll around London and got some bargain baby Gap goodies for our upcoming holiday. So all in all a good day.

Have a read the book yet???? No......i will leave that review for another day. I wander if it will be the same as all other celeb pregnancy books. (I have carried a baby for 9 months and i am a celeb so i must let all you mere mortals exactly how to do it right!) Wall lets wait and see shall we.

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